A Task can be created as a Job Status Update for when the job has been completed to let you know that a follow up is needed. The task can contain all of the relevant job and contact information. This can be created in Job Type Templates.
To do so, in the Job Status Update, select the Task type from the row of Update types (indicated by the green tick symbol). And select Job Complete as the trigger.
Below is a template of a Follow up Task for when a job is completed.
The wording in square brackets and bold are where placeholders can be used to bring in the information from the job that is created.
To add the Placeholders to your template use Ctrl + Space and then replace the bold information with a Formitize placeholder.
Follow Up [Billing Name] | [Job Type]
Please follow up with client after checking if a job has been booked for a Pesticide Application Service
Original booking | [Due Date]
Billing Contact | [Billing Name]
Contact | [Contact Name]
Job Location | [Location]