Time Calculations can be utilised within a form to calculate examples such as:
- Duration within 24 hrs with deducted amounts
- Overtime: Time + half and/or double time.
Time calculations cannot calculate a date with X number of days to equal a new date.
The following are the basics for setting up your time calculations for success
- All of the example calculations provided are based on the following object names for Date / Time / Break fields:
Start Time = [startTime]
Finish Time = [finishTime]
Start Date = [startDate]
Finish Date = [finishDate]
Breaks = [minusBreaks]
- For all time calculations, the "Advanced Calculation" setting must be selected in the calculation field settings.
- All Time / Date fields used in the calculation must be set to "Required" in the field settings
The fields incorporated into a time calculation can be structured in different ways within the form content. This can be either of the following:
Standard field layout
Ideal for a single entries
Ideal for multiple entries of the start / finish times. For example, this structure can be used for time spent on individual jobs, days or clients by adding additional fields to identify this information in the table.
Repeatable (Repeatable field or Repeating Subheader)
The same functionality as a table, but in a different layout in the form template and on the final PDF report.