Lookup databases are a great way to store information that you would like to regularly use in forms without having to remember and rewrite the information regularly. For example: having a list of goods that may be regularly used/sold and their prices recorded in the database, to be easily pulled up in the form as a selection.
To create a Lookup Database, in the Web Portal, go to Forms > Lookup Databases > + New Database.
You have two options for creating the new database:
- Option 1: You can upload a CSV file of the database if you already have the listed information in a spreadsheet document.
- Option 2: You can create the lookup database from scratch within Formitize by adding new fields and the corresponding information for each of them.
You can then edit or add items to the database by going back to Lookup Databases > select Browse for the one you want to add to or edit. Select Edit on an existing item to edit it. Select New Entry to add new information to the lookup database.