By utilising Formitize's Smart Tables, you can customise and personalise how you view the lists of Saved and Submitted Forms, to make it much easier to find what you may be looking for when accessing them in the Web Portal.
To get to the lists, in the Web Portal go to:
- Forms > Saved Forms
- Forms > Submitted Forms
From there, you can use the smart table to remove/add columns, to filter out specific forms by user, form type, jobs, specific dates and so on.
For example:
The Location column in these lists doesn't refer to the job address, but by the location of the mobile device in relation to mobile towers when the form is submitted or saved by that mobile device. If you would like this column removed, you can select the Columns option and toggle the Location column off.
If you would like the table to keep the Location column invisible, you can then go to Views > + Save New View. This way, every time you go to the List, the table will select your saved View by default. This will carry across to all of the custom submitted form tabs as well if they're not already set up without the Location column.