Yes. You can take payments through Formitize. If you would like to take immediate card payment, you will need to set up an account with and have your account integrated through Settings. With the new PayNow add-on, your clients can now also make payments themselves upon receiving the Invoice (Learn more about PayNow).

To manually take card payments through the Web Portal, go to CRM > Invoices (or Accounts) > open the Invoice you would like to receive the payment on > Payment Details section > enter payment amount (if not taking entire invoice total) > Select Card > Take Payment > this will open your Stripe integration where you will be able to enter the card details to make the card payment > $Add Payment. (How do I integrate with Stripe?).

You can also now share the invoice link, which you can find either in the Payment Details section where it says Share Link, or the bottom of the page where it says Share.

To manually take a card payments using the App, go to Accounts > Invoices > Swipe left on the Invoice you would like to take the Payment on >  take payment > select card (here you can 'record payment' if you are not using stripe or 'take payment' if you are integrated with stripe to take instant payments).(How do I integrate with Stripe?)

You can also now take payment on the job, from the Job View, by clicking on Pay button at the bottom of the Job

You can then select Card > Take Payment (ore 'record payment' if you do not use Stripe) > enter card details > enter Amount (if not full payment, it will default to full amount otherwise) > Add Payment.