This section of the API interacts with the Accounts Module.
The Invoicing Functions include:
- Get a list of Invoices stored on the Formitize account, including Invoice ID numbers, Client ID numbers, amount due, amount paid, Client billing information, and Job ID numbers the Invoice is attached to.
- Get detailed information from a single Invoice by providing the Invoice ID number. Retrieves information included in the Invoice list and also includes line item information, history of changes to the Invoice and payments made to this invoice.
Below are some examples of how the Jobs API Functions work:
- The Formitize API can be used to retrieve a list of Invoices from the Formitize account that includes the amounts due, amounts paid, due date and the Client ID number. The User can then build functions to manipulate this data and build the required display - comparing the amount due to amount paid and calculating whether the account is overdue (and by how many days) by comparing the due date to the current date. The Client ID number can be used to find other results for that same client and compare the due dates of older Invoices to the dates they were fully paid and Contact information is directly available from the list of Invoices.
- To create a line-item dashboard the Formitize API can be used to request detailed information about invoices using the Invoice ID number. The detailed single Invoice information includes line items, their code and description, quantity, cost per item as well as the total cost for that line item. This is all the information the Formitize User requires to build a useful page or report on line items.