Invoice Reminders can be created to send an email reminder to your client to let them know their invoice is overdue.

To create your Invoice Email Reminder, in the Web Portal go to the Settings cog > Accounts > Invoices - Accounts Assist.

Below is a suggested template of an Email Invoice Reminder for when an invoice is overdue;

The wording in square brackets are where Placeholders can be used to bring in the information from the invoice that has been created.

When adding this wording to your template use Ctrl + Space to replace the square bracket information with a Formitize placeholder.


Invoice Reminder | [Invoice/Quote Number]

Email Content:

Hi [Contact Name]

Thank you for choosing [Business name].

Your invoice [Invoice Number] has an outstanding balance of $[Invoice/Quote Amount Remaining].

If you have recently made payment, thank you. If not, please ensure that prompt payment is made as soon as possible. If you need to discuss this further, please contact our office on [Business Telephone]