To have a Lead created upon a form submission, this will need to be created as a Form Action. Before you can create the Lead you will need to also create a Form Action to Create a CRM Client to capture and retain the prospective clients details.

To create a client and lead from a form, you will need the following fields at a minimum:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email and/or Phone Number

  • A text field or multiple choice option to describe your clients query

More information can be captured within the form and detailed within the Lead, however these items are key to getting essential information from prospective clients.

To set up the Create Client Action: Can new Contacts be created via Form / Webform?

Once your Create CRM Client action has been saved > + Add Action to begin creating the Create CRM Lead action. You will be able to see that your "Create CRM Client" action has been saved and is available on the tab list and will be able to add a new action by selecting + New Actions.

Select Create CRM Lead under Action Type > Action Name : Create New Lead > Set the Priority to 2 so that creates the Lead after creating the CRM Client.

Below the general action settings, you'll find the settings for creating a lead.

Once you select a pipeline from the dropdown, a dropdown of the stages that are available for that pipeline will appear. 

Select where you would like your lead to go from these drop downs.

Setting the client this lead will be attached to

In the Billing Name dropdown, choose "Action Result: Client Interaction". This instructs the form to use the client that was created in the first Create CRM Client action.