Overview | Email, SMS and Letter Templates

Templates Overview
Templates can be used through the Web Portal and the App as starting point for a new email / SMS / Letter through the CRM in Formitize.  When you open a...
Thu, 27 Jun, 2024 at 1:46 PM
How do I use my Email & SMS Templates in the App?
Templates can be used to send SMS' and Emails in the App when in a Job, Invoice and Quote by swiping right on the job or invoice and selecting SMS or Em...
Tue, 2 Jul, 2024 at 10:45 AM
Why am I getting a spam error when trying to send an email?
Formitize has a spam filter in place, which will stop an email from sending if the filter comes across something in the email message that has a high chance...
Tue, 30 Jan, 2024 at 3:34 PM
How do I insert an image into an Email Template?
When creating or editing an email template, when you select the content area there are additional controls for formatting available. Selecting the...
Tue, 26 Mar, 2024 at 2:05 PM