Resources are files that can be saved in Formitize in order to easily attach them to forms, invoices or emails.

Although each Resource is given a link, that link will only give access to registered Users of that company's Formitize account. There are, however, a couple of ways to still get that information to a potential customer or client, without requiring them to have access to the account.

One way would be to add the document to the form itself by converting it to an image (if is is not already one) and then adding it into the Form Builder

Go to Forms > Existing Templates > select the edit arrow for the webform template > Form Builder tab > drag and drop the Image field type onto the form. > select the Image field and in the Field settings select from the image files stored in your Resources.

Save Draft and Deploy / Publish Template, and the resource will be viewable on the webform as an image.

Another way, if it is information that the client doesn't need right away, but could certainly use after they'd submitted the webform, is having an Action set up that will send out an email to them with the resource information attached to it. You can do this by going to the Actions tab in the Template settings, near the Form Builder tab.

From there, you can select from the Send Email or Send Email PDF actions, and set that up. To know more about those Actions there are a couple of User Guide articles that can explain them.

In the Action settings, there is an option called + Add Resource. This is where you can add resources by selecting the resources that you would like to use from the dropdown, and what you would like it to be called as well. Save the Action after you're content with the settings you'd like and then the Resource will be sent to the client after they've completed and submitted the webform.