The information you can have showing can be customised using the Smart Tables available in the contacts module. Views can be created to show specific information about one or multiple contacts and allow you to filter down the information shown. 

Create your View In the Web Portal go to CRM > All Contacts. The Columns label at the top of the list will show you what fields you can choose to view in the list. You can add filters as well, and save the custom view of your contacts. You can also toggle on / off whether to show inactive accounts or primary contacts or all.

Actions can also be made against the selected contact/s when they are selected in the list, which can save time when doing things in bulk such as; setting contacts as active or inactive, deleting a single or multiple contacts and pushing and pulling contact information to and from accounting software.

When more than once contact is selected you are able to merge these together. Merging contacts is useful when there is one or more from the same location as you can set a Primary contact.

When you are in the Contacts list, you can now also edit them with the contacts drawer. When you click on the Billing name, then the Contact's Billing information will show up in a drawer that opens on the right side if the screen. You can then click on the edit pencil, and the drawer will change to edit mode.

Clicking the Edit pencil in the list view will also automatically open the Edit Billing Details drawer.

You can return to the Billing/Contact information by clicking on the back arrow, or Save. Clicking on the screen off the drawer will close it.