With FormSketch, there are a variety of different options and settings to assist you with creating a clear, near, easy to understand map, which can be exported as a file type which can be edited at a later time as well (See: How do I save my map?).

Drawing and editing:

Most of the drawing process will involve the toolbar at the bottom of the FormSketch page.

From left to right, there is the freestyle Pen took, the Line tool, the Shape tool, the Arrow tool, the Note tool, the free Text tool, the Legend Icons, the Map Building tool, and the Image tool (which is used to upload images to the map).

Map toolbar:

Located at the top of the page, these are settings that affect the overall map.

The Arrow tool allows you to select various elements in the map, and offers the ability to move and resize different images or sections. 

The Hand tool will grab the map page and move it around, for example if you are building from a zoomed in view, then you can move the whole map to whatever section you want to work on..

The Duplicate tool will be greyed out unless you're editing or drawing an element in the map or have selected an element with the arrow tool. You can then duplicate the selected element by clicking on the Duplicate symbol, or by using Crtl + D.

The Erase tool (symbolised by an eraser) allows you to erase parts of the map that you would like removed.

The Eraser tool (symbolised by a bin) will delete an entire selected element from the map.

The Alignment tools will align the map contents according to your choice / preference (Left, Center, Right, and Top, Middle, Bottom). There are also two Stretch tool options, which will stretch out the map or map elements either horizontally or vertically.

The Arrange tools allow you to arrange the order in which you'd like the elements to appear on the map.

The Flip Horizontally option will be greyed out until an element in the map has been selected, then you will be able to use it to flip the element.

The Flip Vertically option acts the same way as the Flip Horizontally option, only vertically.

The Group option will allow you to group together a number of elements so that you can adjust or move them together.

The Undo and Redo options, will allow you to undo the most recent edit, or redo what you've undone if you change your mind.

Page selection:

To the left of the Map toolbar, will be the Page selection, where you can also add / edit more maps.

Menu selection:

In the top right corner of the page, to the left of the Page Selection, is the menu dropdown list, which includes save options, file editing functions, viewing options, media upload options, preferences for your mapping tool, and the help menu to assist you with using FormSketch.